Man-made Disasters

Man-made Disasters

Man-made Disasters are human-made occurrences that can directly or indirectly pose serious hazards to the health and/or welfare of the general public. They can be caused purposefully or accidentally. Man-made catastrophes provide a particularly difficult challenge because of their unpredictable occurrence, which must be managed by monitoring, appropriate preparation, and timely response. In order to inform the public on the causes and impacts of man-made disasters as they pertain to emergency planning, information on the main sources of these catastrophes has been provided here.

1. Social-Political Risks

• Crime

• Arson

Arson is the act of starting a fire with the purpose of causing harm. Initially only referring to the setting of fire to buildings, the concept of arson was eventually broadened to also encompass the setting of fire to private property, automobiles, and bridges. The main reason for flames in data repositories is arson. Accidental fires caused by humans do occur occasionally; a kitchen burner that has broken down is a common culprit.

• Civil Unrest

Law enforcement frequently uses the wide phrase "civil disorder" to refer to one or more types of disruption. Disasterous civil disturbance can take many different forms, such as rioting, sabotage, and other types of crime. Even if civic unrest doesn't always turn into a catastrophe, it can sometimes turn into widespread pandemonium. Racial segregation and low minimum wages are just two of the many causes of rioting.

• Terorrhonism

The term "terrorism" is contentious and has many definitions. One term refers to a violent act that only targets people. The use of violence or the threat of violence to instill fear in order to further political, religious, or ideological objectives is another description. According to the second definition, terrorist.

• War

Conflict that involves the use of weapons to inflict physical force on relatively large groups of people is referred to as war. Warfare has caused a huge deal of pain for humanity by destroying entire cultures, nations, and economies. Armed conflict, hostilities, and police action are other words for war. Normally, catastrophe planning and insurance contracts do not cover wartime acts.

Technological Dangers

• Workplace hazards

Industrial disasters, like mining disasters, happen in a commercial setting. They frequently affect the environment.

• Destructive Structure

Engineering mistakes frequently result in structural collapses. Bridge breakdowns can occur for a variety of reasons, including inadequate design, etc.

• Loss of Power

A power outage is a disruption of the regular electrical power supplies. Power outages that last only a few hours are frequent and only have a modest negative impact because most businesses and medical facilities are equipped to handle them. However, prolonged power outages can interfere with daily activities, including work and personal life, as well as rescue and medical services, resulting in financial losses and unexpected medical problems.

• Fire

Lightning is typically the cause of bush fires, forest fires, and mine fires, although it can also be caused by human error or intentional burning. They have the capacity to burn a lot of space. A firestorm develops when a fire becomes intense enough to create its own winds and "weather".3. Dangerous Substances

• Contamination with radiation

Airborne radioactive particles result from nuclear weapons explosions or other nuclear containment system failures. Large areas can be irradiated and scattered by nuclear fallout. Not only is it fatal, but individuals who are contaminated will suffer long-term effects on the following generation. Because ionising radiation threatens living organisms, much of the impacted area may be unfit for occupancy.


a general initialization that stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear. The phrase refers to a non-traditional terrorist threat that, if deployed by a state, would be regarded as the deployment of a weapon of mass devastation.

4. Train, bus, and ship passengers have all been affected by transportation disasters.

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By Kavitha..😇


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